Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It was an unexpected moment for me . Instrumental snippets I would say . But then again , I believe in emphasising on the significance of the insignificance . Disastrous uplifts of certain shades . Not that I would be prove of . Oh man . The triggered soul knows no limit . Come back it will , as hard as none will expect .
Flames on the wick as steady as never before . I told you . I can be a great master
There was once this motorist . He was hitting the curves at 180 km/h . One wrong move and everything will end that very second . First up , there was oil on the ground followed by a few tyres . What do you think he should do ? . He did the unthinkable . He took out his handphone and called his mom " I am sorry for being a bad son . I've met my equal . I'm going away . I love you " . After that , he continued speeding till he hit the first tyre . Blinding white flash that brought him to a dark deep abyss .
How many of us can be like that motorist ? . I have said . I believe in the significance of the insignificance . Time makes one strong . Did I highlight ; patience is virtue . Silence have been tampered with . It's high time now .
Murphy's law states " things will go wrong in any given situation , if you give them a chance " or better known as " anything that can go wrong, will " . However Sod's law or Finagle's law is great .. " anything that can go wrong , will - at the worst possible moment " .
So now , I expect you to be prepared for the worst . Well , maybe , expect the unexpected . You are out of that cocoon . Once I shoot you down , you'll have no base . That protective shelter is not there anymore .
You got coloured @
11:33 pm
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wedding's over . Since my USB port is spoilt , you guys have to wait a little longer to see the pictures . I'm extremely happy today . I witnessed my sister getting married . It was really a nice scene . Finally , we can call her " Mrs Ram " . That's simply awesome . Honestly , I was very fascinated by the whole stuff that happened during the wedding . All those prayers , customs and rites . Wow . No wonder my sister wanted to marry both the Christian and Hindu way . Coolness . Haha now .. I think I can't wait to get married . Nice makeups , nice clothes , nice ceremony . Woo-lala .
I can't wait to upload those pictures .
Anyway , there's something I want to clear . I feel highly honoured to be regarded as " small and petite " . Really . Thank God , people don't call me " Bull-dozer " . Phew . To think about it , midgets aren't bad . Haha . Ok . Well , fellow readers , please read through this story .
Once upon a time , there was this girl called X . X lovesss to be popular . So what X does is to do ANYTHING to become popular . Even to the extent of shamlessly telling people that " I gave myself 7 orgasms in a row " ( <---------- NOW how desperate can you get ! Eeks ) . X sees relationship as a platform to get more friends . Well , what can I say . X is a lonely , desperate girl . So yea . Let's understand . So what X does is to switch partners like how she changes her undies . So that X can have more friends . What a desperate creature . Well there's more pathetic stuff X loves doing . So yea . Oh this is extremely interesting . When X was attached , she found her boyfriend's friend cute . Guess what she did . She sms-ed him saying this " Hey , I woke up wet when I dreamt of you and I having sex on a fire engine ". Desperado eh ? . Haha I know . That desperate creature even went to the extreme of desperately trying to make friends with this goodlooking butch whom she met less than 2 hours ago . She sms-ed the bitch saying this " I think we should hang out more often " . Grr . Honestly , why are you trying to hard to enlarge your circle of friends ? . Or is this a plan or something ? . I guess she's trying to get enough friends to manipulate them into having sex with her . Well , she's capable of anything . Sometimes I really wish I can do something to ease her pain . Like , helping her to tell her parents about her disgusting condition . Hmm let's see how it goes . If i can get too angry then that's what I'll do . I swear . Oh one more thing .. would you believe me if I tell you that that desperate creature told me this once " Once when I went swimming , this lifeguard found me hot in my swimming suit that he asked me for my number " . Haha . Now this is only possible if 1) the lifeguard found your fats super duper hot and appealing . 2) He is a disgusting old pervertic man . 3) You are lying . So which is the one ? .
Anyway , I don't think I failed my GP . I wrote out of point . Yes I agree . But S , F , U is a fail . E is a just pass and I got D . So where does it put me to ? . Well , I can always improve on my interpretation of the GP question . But then again ... I don't think I have a problem with my H2 Subjects like you . "Omg I studied soo hard . I did this , I did that . I blah-blah-blah " . So what did you achieve in the end ? . Do you want me to comment on your awesome prelim results ? . Do you like remember what you got for each subject ?? . I mean it . Now serious babe , are you like suffering from some kind of mental condition ? . Oh yes . You even dream of sex 24/7 and open up to your alter ego . ( Geez ) You MUST be suffering from a serious illness . Please have a good check-up date with the doctor . Maybe , you should do something more worthwhile . Get yourself to IMH for a thorough check up then find a cure for your disease then start to work hard . You want to be a lawyer right ? . So try not to waste your time ya . God day .
Oh yes . I met Jayarani just now . She's the groom's sister . She's someone I look up to . Oh man . I read the thesis and it's like OMG ! . She has a masters in some ( gosh , I can't remember the course ) . She graduated from NUS with a high class masters . So cool . And she's in NIE now .. doing some post-graduate diploma . She's god damn cool la . And she told me that she wants my "thesis longer " than hers . I was telling her that I may not get into NUS due to my outstanding maths results :p . But then again .. fuck it ! I need to go NUS . I don't care . I'll make it there . NUS . My dream . Anyways I'm not like Kristin Hamton . So fret not . Kristin wants to go to NTU to look for a groom .. Well NTU engineering guys are hot . Yes . I agree . But then again , why would someone want to work soo hard to get into a local Uni and look for a groom . Haha . So funny ! .
Gosh . I'm tired .
You got coloured @
5:13 pm
Wedding tomorrow . Well it's midnight now . In a few hours time , I'll be all clad in a traditional outfit . Haha . Blue . That's Silas's and Pravin's favourite colour . Haha . Cool ah ? .
I can't wait for the wedding . Woooo . The first wedding in the family . Omg . So cool . Anyway my friends can't wait to meet me .. right ? . Haha . Extreme makeover ! Hahaha . Aiyoh . Embarassing .
On friday ( 27 / 10 / 2007 ) , there was this "Naalanku" ceremony for my cousin where each and every married woman will pray and give her bangles to wear . Haha . So funny . I reached there about 1 hour and 45 minutes off the time . Damn me . Time always works against me I guess . Anyway , my cousins went like " Vitzyy where the hell is your pottu ? " . I replied saying " Well , when do I ever wear pottu la " . Instantly , they "smeared" me with holy powder ( vee-pu-thi ) . Hehe . Yes yes I know .
Oh did I mention ? . White , brown and green are my happening colours for now . Well , white .. OMG ! . It certainly turns me on . Wow . Especially , white shirt with black vest ( are you listening :P ) . Woooo simply hot ! . Anyway , I've been checking out a few guy's top for Silas and I saw this one at Man's Studio ( oh well , is that how you spell it ? ) . It's this bloody nice brown shirt with golden leather tie with a nice shiny brooch . Wow . That shirt simply attracted my attention . I am sooooo in love with it . Really . Omg . A hot guy would look even hotter in that shirt . Feeeweeet . It's like over 100 bucks . I want my bestfriend to don it ! . Go Silasss ! . I love that shirt . Ok imagine this . That brown shirt with that tie and to top it up all a bouquet of blue roses and a good place . Simply ideal . ( Oh yes , Marc Anthony's - I need to know - in the background ) .
I'm suddenly in love with strappers - the ones you wear with your jeans . After exams , I'm going to cut my hair really short , dye it ash brown or fiery red and spike it - I'll use hair wax to give it a sleepy look . * ( not that short but something longer than Halle Berry's in the Bond movie ) * . Well planning to invest in waist chains to go along with my denim materials , a few groovy tank tops with matching ties peppered with skull imprints . Woo . We're like planning to explore this few current fads . What to do . Screaming heads - highly addictive and fashionable group around . Damn . I can't wait for Dec 26 , our boxing day . The time of the year we bloody look out for . This year is going to be different . Silas and I are planning to surprise Uma , He shun , Naresh and Afiq with something special . Haha . Wooo . This year we've chosen Clark Quay . Cool ah ? . Movie , food , friends , fun and alcohol . Extreme enjoyment . MOE - Ministry of Entertainment .
Damn .. immediately after my Maths , I'll going to work . Oh .. Gayatri Devi invited us to her house . Wah and her mom is specially making Prawn something for me !!!!!!!!! I'm soo bloody happy . It's going to be bloody fun la . Imagine this .. just us with no extras . Simply enjoyable . Oh .. well , what can I say . These are the superficial consequences of extra's actions ! . You wanted it so badly - didn't you ? . You created a whole drama , acted sooo emotional , plugged into emotional songs , cried an avalanche of crocodile tears and all . Well , let me assure you . It was worth the effort . WHY ? Because it benefitted me in the long run . Didn't it ? . Haha . Thank you - I escaped ! . Wee . Must celebrate sia .
Alright . I think they were showing Ghajini on TV . Shah immediately sms-ed me . Last year , after our promos , James , Shah , Sanjay , Priveen and I went to watch this movie . James was like feeling all emotional with the movie . He was like ****ing . ( See James , I didn't mention it ) . Hahahaha . Soo cute . I don't know why .. but the guys I have met , have been meeting and ( will meet ) have cute cute reactions .
Even Resh . We went out to watch a movie and we couldn't find the tickets at Bugis . So we travelled all the way to Plaza Singapura to watch that movie . While travelling in the crowded MRT , I couldn't find a good place to hold onto . So I actually placed my hand on the door and this Resh grabbed my hand and did a semi-circle motion over his head and placed my hand on his shoulder to hold onto . Well , I didn't expect that . But his reaction was soo cute . But then again , Resh is soo scrawny ( but fit ) .. and I was holding onto his shoulder blade I think :P . Haha . Even after that , we had to like run back and forth to the 7-11 to the cinema just because someone cannot watch movie without M&Ms . Even Silas , Shafie , Pravin .. Dee-di !! Haha . All of them are blessed with cute reactions . Haha . Oh .. Shah and I have decided to watch some ATM movie after their A levels . So cool .
Ok . I'm booked for this season . A few friends of mine and others have booked me for shopping . Their reason was " Vitz , you got a good sense of fashion . So please come with me to choose my clothes for Christmas / Deepavali / New year outing " . Cool ! . I love doing that actually . Vitz's makeover Free of charge ! . Hahaha .
OK . Kristin Hamton is planning to head to NTU for a screwed up reason ( hehehehe ) . She's working this hard and all to get into NTU to ..... " look for mapillai " . Yes . She's planning to get married immediately after getting into NTU and finding that one . Haha . Soo funny . Whenever we study maths , she goes like this " Eh !! I need to pass . I need to get into NTU to find mapillai " . Omg ! . Kristin !! . Haha .
All my rivals from school smiled at me before their last day . One even came up to me and said this " Vitz , I know we hate each other . But I don't exactly know why I hated you in the beginning but I just want to tell you this . Please study hard and make it to NUS - because you can do it . And , I hope we can be friends after this . Sorry if I had done anything . Friends ?? " . So sweet . Dei of course we're friends . Haha . I'll be friends with you as long as you don't betray , backstab or cheat in the name of love during the course of a friendship / relationship . Because these are the deadly sins in my dictionary . Got that ? .
Vain babbling . I'm sooo exhausted . I'm simply doing so much of stuff for the wedding . Really tired . Wee . OK . I think I better hit the bed soon . Need to wake up in 4 hours time . Oh before that .. I miss IZZAH !! Dei you better do well and make it to NTU . Then it'll be NUS vs NTU ( Vitz Vs Izzah ) for floorball . Hahaha . Soo funny . Anyways peeps . Adioz
Their big day is tomorrow . Finally my cousin is getting married . Mr and Mrs Ram :))))
They dance with style too . Cool couple .
Stepz . Note the guy in the middle . That's Rag . Bloody hell . He didn't tell me that he was performing for aarathana . Gong . Grrr .
Awak berada di mana Syarif ? . Saya rindu awak tau ! . Nakal eh . Kiteorg kena kluar satu hari nanti ! Sayang awak !!
Silas and Gayatri Devi . Don't they look compatible ? :P . Anyways both of them are single . Hehe .
The 3 rangers . Silas , Gayatri Devi and Vithiya aka Vitz .
You got coloured @
12:18 am
Friday, October 26, 2007
Good news to one and all . My dearest bestfriend - Wilason Silas David's interview will be shown on Vasantham Central on the 3rd of Nov at 7.30 pm . Do catch him alright . Nerdy secondary school pictures of us will be shown ( well he highlighted my name , so stay tuned ) .
Anyway something's been happening in class quite lately . Haha . One fine day , I saw a few classmates laughing at something on the computer . Suddenly they went like " Hey hey !! Come here come here . Got something shiok for you to see " . What I saw shocked me . Well , I didn't know that news of the disgusting stuff was spreading like wildfire . Well what can I say ? . People love to be the subject of uncalled for ( and of course uncensored ) mockery in the name of "getting popular " . Honestly , your idea of gaining popularity is effing disgusting . I cannot believe what I am hearing . Really . I'm utterly disgusted . But then again , the world is fun when we get to laugh at people like that . Laughing stocks we call them . Thick-skinned undohs ! . In case you think you are cool , let me clear this up for you . You are the most disgusting , TYPICAL (Y)INDIAN who yearns for attention . Frankly , aren't you disgusted ?. Yikes !!
Classmates : Is she a butch or a pure lesbian ?
Me : Hmmm , i think confused is the right word .
Classmates : She freaks me out . You should see her pictures . Even my wanton mee tastes bad after viewing them . Yucks . Why she like that ah ?
Me : I told you -- CONFUSED
Another solid one .
Said by that disgusting "thing" : Sometimes , it's nice to be a bitch "
My reply : Firstly , if you want to be a bitch , you need to be a female . And I don't think females have a penchant for drawing facial hair . Do they ? . Unless , we're trying to compete with people who cross dresses like the ( drag queen ) beautiful Kumar " I'm unique you know . Approved by government ok - don't play play . I'm special . It's just that my ovaries are hanging outside ". At least he's talented and he has the brains . He's not that cheap enough to employ awesomely-disgusted methods to backstab someone . Kumar , hates off to you . One hellava hot drag queen , I should say . In fact an indian who I look up to . Unconventional yet cool indian . Not like some TYPICAL UNDOHS .
In case , fellow "angkat bolehs " of the disgusting stuff start to air their shameless comments on my tagboard , I am definitely not a hypocrite . Call me up if you need further explaination ya . Disgusted . Yikes .
Enough of them . Yucks . Wedding is this sunday . A new change in my hair style . I'll be cutting it even shorter after the 2nd of Nov and I'm planning to dye my hair . Can't wait for that - really . Wax will be the new "in" and gel will be off my list . Oh yes , I'm like going to Tekka tomorrow with my bestfriend and my darling brother to get some stuff for the wedding . Wooo . My bestfriends are like helping out in the preparation of the wedding . Weee . It's going to be bloody exciting . 1st wedding . What can I expect ?.
Jalan Raye at Raden's .
Woojang ( his nick name ) , Silas , Uma , Myself and RadenRaden darling and I . Someone's looking good . Royal Sultan .

With Raden's mom and sister . The mom is a wonderful cook . Omg . The best lontong I've ever eaten . Wow ! And I'm yearning for her cornflakes cookies .
Woojang and I .
Woojang and I ( close up ) . Woojang looks fierce but he's cuter when he smiles . Pro-footballer - mind you !
Handsome buddies .Out of control ! ( Btw , we have urinals in the girl's toilet too . This is for kiddos )
Look closely . Do you see 4 soldiers ? Haha . From left : Gaya Devi , Kristin , Raihan and I .
Gayatri Devi sabo-ed Vitz
Gayatri Devi decided to sabo the good and innocent Vitz . We had a dry run of our oral presentation earlier this week and it was recorded down . Haha . Well , Gaya Devi simply had to snap funny pictures of me right from her lap top . Oh man . It's bloody embarassing . All she said was " Please show this pictures to Shapnem . I bet you that she will die laughing " . Haha . Bloody crap .
This is how I reacted when I was astounded by the question that was posted to be in the Q & A segment of the dry run .
You got coloured @
12:10 am
Monday, October 22, 2007
Heavy eyelids battling the extreme desire to rest . Oh man . I'm extremely tired . I'm yearning for a nice lipton tea .
Anyway , I got my report book today . I'm really not happy . Yes , my expectations are high . I mean , the level of your success depends on how high your expectations are . Believe me . Ever heard of this phrase : " Aim for the sky , so at least when you drop , you will land on the clouds ". I don't wish to hit rock bottom anytime sooner.
Management of Business - B
Economics - B
Tamil Lit - D
General Paper - D
Maths Argghhh !
Man ! . Last year I got the highest in the cohort for management . This year , I am nowhere close to it . Well , only one student got A for management this year . The other high-flyers got B . Although my answers were selected to be printed as the model answers , I still feel fucked up . Damn .
Economics . I'm definitely capable of higher grades . Thanks to a screwed up essay and a case study . Damn .
Tamil Literature .. I got no bloody comments . I got a B for my promotional paper and I still cannot understand howcome I fall to a D . Atrocious.
General Paper was a complete shocker . I misinterpreted " A man " to " Man " . My essay was completely out of point with me making reference to man in general when the question referred to males ! . My GP tutor was extremely disappointed with me . She went like " Vitz ! It was such a waste . I could see that you were very confident with your content and writing but ... damn it was out of point !! . Thank God your language saved you " . I got quite high for my language though . But then again , it was a waste . Damn it ! . Grrr
Anyway , I really need to work damn hard next year . I lost my momentum this year thanks to some bloody jabronis . But since I've gotten rid of those scumbags , I can easily chill and start studying . NUS here I come . Oh yes , my God-brother - Ragha from NYJC got promoted . Hehe . 130 retainees and he did well enough to be promoted ! Weee . We'll be studying together after Deepavali .
Anyway , Shapnem is like coming to Singapore again and this time , we got more time to meet each other . She might be working with me and she's like planning to come down and support me on the 25th of Nov ( Floorball match ) . The best thing is , I can invite her for my 21st birthday party . Cool .. Yes I know .
Anyways I'm damn tired . Goodnight .
You got coloured @
9:51 pm
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Greetings to one and all . I"ve been extremely busy even to the extent of containing my train of thoughts within me . Been thinking about alot of issues . So yeap . I'll pen them down when I can relatively remember them . Oh well , I do suffer from short term memory . Haha .
First and foremost , my lovely brother got his enlistment letter 2 days ago . He's posted to Home Team Academy - Police . He'll be going in on the April 8 2008 . Well , I am happy for him but my brother is not that happy . He wanted commando badly . My brother and my cousin have an unconventional penchant for the army . Both of them desire to serve for their country . Kudos dudes . I'm definitely proud of you'll . I can't wait to see my brother clad in blue . Woo . To think about it , he has grown up . I've always thought that he was my cute , lovable , handsome and small brother . Reality smacked me right onto my face . Anyways , my buddy - Dibbo is also posted to the Home Team Academy but unfortunately , he's going in on Jan 8 , 3 months before my brother .
Oh yes . Last saturday , I caught this romantic tamil flick - Unnale Unnale . Initially , I didn't want to watch it . But Gayatri Devi forced me to watch it . We ( Karpagam , Gayatri Devi and I ) were on conference while the movie was telecasted . We were airing our critical judgements on-line . It was quite fun though . Anyways , both of them hate the climax . Both of them felt that the director made an unbiased judgement of the females ; concluding that only males are in the right at all times .
However , I do confess that I hate the climax too but for differing reasons . Let's analyse the crux of the matter . I really don't understand how both partners can fall out that easily . I mean , well they both had conflicting ideologies . But in the end , the heroine felt that it was right for her to move away from the hero , so that he can marry someone else . If you say that this is personal sacrifice for the well-being of the hero , then I beg to differ . I mean , firstly , who the heck gave her the right to decide for the hero ? . Love is not about compromise nor sacrifice . Love is the ability to fight till the end . Don't we all know the amount of "hardwork" involved in the legendary love stories like - Romeo and Juliet ? . Both of them fought till the end . They believed in fighting to be with one another . *salutes* . But in this story , they showed that love is all about sacrifices and " living in those happy memories " .
I would support the idea of "living in those happy memories" if both partner A and partner B loves one another and unfortunately , Partner B dies . Then Partner A can live with Partner B's memories . But this is different ! . Anyways , if I had been the hero , I would've waited for the heroine no matter how many years it took , knowing that she still loved me . But then , if I know that the heroine harboured no feelings for me and can go to the extent of cheating or betraying me then I would've not wasted a single nanosecond and would've moved on . Well , memories are hard to erase . But we can always insert a tinge of hatredness , anger and disgust into those memories and manipulate them and gradually turn them into bad memories or even nightmares . I believe I make some sense . Funny , when I realise that certain stories can directly be related to my life . Haha . ( If you share the same frequency with me ) .
Anyways , I really wish that sooner or later , people will realise the beauty of true love . Well , in this modern world , we can actually have scores of sex partners and still have a good image in society . So , do we still believe in the sanctity of true love ? . Well around 30% may believe in it . But the majority 70% have themselves embedded into the notion of having flings , sex partners , abortions , divorce and re-marriage . Heck . I utterly disgusted . I've even heard stories of incest love - brothers and sisters having an affair , fathers raping their daughters and what not ! . Where the heck is most-profoundly known yet unable to sustain notion of morality ? . We've simply disregarded the ancient tales of Romeo and Juliet and etc . They say that history is important because it reminds us of who we are , and nourishes us with an understanding of how we came to be what we are today . History also have the ability to instil the deep-rooted cultural value in one . But then , is this applicable to today's society ? . Think about it fellow readers . And I hope , you people will start to believe in and learn to uphold the sanctity of true love .
I'm absolutely stressed up . I get stress thinking of why I don't happen to get stress . Haha . My cousin sister's wedding is this sunday ( 28th Oct ) followed by my H1 Mother Tongue paper on the 29th Oct , followed by my Oral Presentation on the 30th Oct and ending with H1 Maths on the 2nd of Nov . Give me reasons to why I shouldn't be stressed up . I don't know how I am going to handle this but I hope I do . Well , coming to think about it , I don't think I can secure a pass for my H1 Maths . I know . I feel damn fucked up thinking about it . Well , courses ( second options ) that I've aimed for require maths . I cannot believe this . Approximately 2 weeks to go and here I am giving up . But I've not exactly given up . I know that I will not get an E but I can definitely score higher than what I have been scoring . But no matter what , I've decided that I will fucking get my ass into NUS - no matter how long it takes . This I assert ! . To think about it , I've sacrificed my Jalan Raye with my secondary school peeps , Cookie's birthday and what not . Damn .
Written Report ( WR ) Submission . Alright . My group was deemed one of the slowest in class and Mdm Ong had to chase us for our WR . I got a little too fucked up when I realised that the final submission for the nation was 19 Oct - that I decided to stay up one whole night . I did the WR on 17 Oct from 6pm to 4am ( anyway my group mates had offered their part of work too ) and I submitted it on 18 Oct on the MI Link . I couldn't go to school the next day . But I forced myself to go for my maths lesson that was at round 11.25 am . I went late - I reached school at 12 . During my Project Work ( PW ) lesson , my teacher told me that she was "quite impressed" with our WR . But in order to attain the EE grade , we needed to polish up some parts of the WR . I went home at around 8pm that day and immediately set off to do my WR . Combating the fatigue arising from the lack of sleep and hunger , I completed my WR at around 345 am . Believe it or not , I had my "dinner" at 4 am and instantly dozed off after that . The final submission was on the 19 Oct . Silas and Uma came to my house to meet me before setting off the Raden's house for Hari Raya . I was busy doing my WR while they were watching MTV . Then suddenly Aminah called me and told me that I have to submit the hardcopy and the softcopy ( CD-rom ) at sharp 1245pm . The time was 11.20am then . I was really panic-king . After zooming through the last bit of addition and getting dressed , Silas , Uma and I took a cab to my school , submitted it and went to Raden's house . I took alot of pictures . I'll upload them in the next entry .
Random Stuff
1) My USB port is spoilt . So I cannot upload any pictures for now . Damn . Anyway thanks for Gayathri Devi for blue-toothing my pictures to her lap top then sending it to me online .
2) Gowri Pillai is such a cutie . Apparently she saw this car bearing my name on it . ( Actually there's this car with the name "Vitz" in the market ) . She took a picture of it and sent it via MMS citing " I so wanted to show you this " .
3) I'm suddenly addicted to Campbell's Creamy Chicken Pasta . Wooo . It makes my day after Tea .
4) Oh , I've gotten a sudden liking for McDonald's flavour burst - Raspberry in Waffle cone . Can you believe it , I travel all the way to Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy it . Hehe .
5) My saree is back from the tailor shop . I tell you this .. my saree is like " OH MY GOD " . It's bloody nice . I can't wait to wear it . Really . It's gonna be like " So not me " . Blue in colour and peppered with nice designs . Haha . This Sunday !! And the best thing is , my friends will be coming !!! What can be more happening than this ?.
6) I hope Sethra is alright . He was soo down due to the fact that his band got disbanded . Man ! Such a blow for him .
7) Haha . Suddenly I've got non-indian admirers :p . Funny , I know . My friends are like influencing me to date one of them -- ta-da-da-da .
8) Anitha is such a cutie . As you guys would've known , I marvel at her inner strength . How can anyone achieve straight As when they're in that kind of situation ?. She's damn strong ! . So anyways , that nice-hearted girl have invited me to join her whenever she mugs at Woodlands library . She even offered to help me for my maths . Yipee ! . Oh yes , this I have to say !! Anitha is NOT innocent :p ! She claims she knows alot of stuff ! Hahahaha
9) South Africa won England . I'm so sad for England . Haiz
Happy Birthday to my dearest Vicky Cookie . Logesh planned for a nice surprise birthday party for him and I couldn't go due to exam commitments . Vicky called me and said this " My heart really broke when you weren't there when I celebrated my birthday . I was so expecting you .. ". God ! When I heard this , I felt extremely bad . Shit .. But then again , I've invited all my close friends for my cousin's wedding next sunday . So I have decided to celebrate my cookie's birthday on that day . Sorry Cookie and thanks for understanding .Myself with roo-roo . This was her last day as the student of MI . Sad . She has officially graduated from school . All the best for your A levels honey bunny . I'll miss you my team mate and strike partner .
I'll miss your warm hugs :(
Jalan Raye with MI classmates
Taken @ Sheila's house
Izzah looks pretty ah ? . Birthday girl looks hot in pink .
Taken at Suhaila's house
Taken at Hanisah's house
I met Tina on the way . Tina's from RJC and now she's at NTU . Smart ass man ! . Anyway , Hayl , Izzah and I made friends with Tina's father first . Then he introduced Tina to us and Tina went like " Hey , I think I know you .. you're from MI right ? " . Haha . Popular .. what to do ? :p
Oh man ! I felt like a princess ! ( Taken at Izzah's house )
Princess having her beauty sleep :p ( Izzah's house )
Did I mention ? I've got an unusual penchant for beanie bags or beanie pillows :p .
Taken at Izzah's house
At the bus stop . From left : Sheila , Suhaila , Hanisah , Izzah , myself and Carolyn . Haikal is taking the picture by the way . This is Apple - Suhaila's sister . Apple loves me =) . She's damn damn cute !
Myself with Apple !!!
Steamboat- BBQ and chill-out at Uma's crib
We really enjoyed ourselves man . I left home at round midnight . I miss my screaming heads ; with Afiq and Naresh missing from the group . Anyway , we took a couple of horny pictures . Do check them out . We're best of friends . So taking such picture is merely for entertainment , nothing else . Yeap . We don't have sexual intentions for one another . We believe in real friendship .
Horny picture 1 : Myself and He ShunHorny picture 2 : Uma and Silas
Horny picture 3 : Uma and He Shun
Horny picture 4 : Uma and Silas
Horny picture 5 : He Shun and I
You got coloured @
11:16 pm
Sunday, October 14, 2007
First and foremost , I would want to most graciously wish my fellow Muslimins and Muslimahs a Happy Eid Mubarak .
Frankly , I admire them . I marvel at their strength . Well , I cannot possibly admit that all homosapiens can abstain themselves from water and food from sun rise till sun set . This is such a herculean task in my opinion . Quite honestly , I tried fasting . I only managed to fast completely on 2 occasions . One was back in secondary school - I did this for my (ex) -sweetheart . The other was quite recently . But one went down the drain . Out of 3 attempts , only 2 reaped the fruits of their labour . I had to break my fasting at approximately at 4 pm when my fever was at it's optimum . Man ! . But then again , I really admire those strict Muslimins and Muslimahs who go through full fasting for the month of Ramadan . Kudos to you peeps .
I'm having the first round of Jalan Raye tomorrow . We're starting with our lovely ex-06C2 peeps . Woohoo . I'm really excited . We're setting off in the morning till late evening ( I suppose ) . After that , I may have to rush to Uma's crib for a steamboat cum BBQ cum chillout ( Aloha - with some sips of alcohol ) session . Fret not , I'll capture those moments in a well-taken photograph . Hehe . A proud and professional camwhore I am .
Vasantham Star 2007 today . Actually , we're suppose to go down to support our friends . But then , a few people couldn't turn up due to some commitments . So yeah . We're passing this , this time . My votes for my star - Ebi Sankara . Actually , I want Ebi to win , Dhinesh to get 2nd while Vignesh to get 3rd . Devarajan can fuck off ( No offence there ) . He is way too lucky to get his arse to the Top 4 . Honestly , Rekha deserve to be in the Top 4 . Devarajan .. I've got no words to describe him . You may have the fury to win . The intense urge to be referred to as the " Vasantham Star 2007 " but then again , you cannot sing . You forget the lyrics . If this had been the American Idol , well then you would've gotten your arse grilled by the good-ol' Simon Cowell . Trust me dude . Well , count your blessings . Those fans of yours are simply too ignorant or even deaf . Ahhh . You blew Rekha's chances away dude ! What a meanie . God !
Enough of my Vasantham Star rants . Hehe . Oh man . After today , I'll be seeing less of Jay Nesh . Now this is sad . I loveeeeeeeee his dressing . He's bloody " Oh My Gawd " . Jay Nesh !!
Random happenings . random.random.random.
#1 : Somebody told me that " a first time is always a first time " . " Those feelings that you endured during that first time can never be re-gained " . Now I can relate really well to this statement and of course , I can possibly support it's validity .
#2 : Oh Hell . This is horribly funny . I was out on Wednesday . Decided to have dinner with my homie . It was around 6.20 pm . I was ordering Hokkien Mee . Just then this aunty wearing Tudung walked up to me and said " Tak Puasa " . I went like " err , no " . She was taken back by my answer and started to advice me . After which , I told her " Err . I'm sorry but I'm not puasa-ing because I'm not muslim " . And she went like " Oh !! You look like Indian Muslim ! " . This sent my homie into a fit of laughter . Ok . Maybe I should start wearing Pottu .
#3 : Kristin Hamton and Vicky Puppy . Both can actually remember what they have forgotten . Funny ? . Tell me about it .
#4 : The nick names attached to my friends . Courtesy of Vitz =) . Vicky ( A4 ) = Puppy . Gayatri Devi = Baby . Karpagam = Kaambujaam . Pravin = Barney . Vicky ( bodybuilder ) = Cookie . Mehraaj = Meh-boom-ba . More to come :)
#5 : I can't wait for our Deepavali shopping . The 5 ( Baby , Puppy, Barney , Kaambu and I ) of us are planning to go for Deepavali shopping at Tekka . So cool .
#6 : Rury , Izzah , Rose and I will be taking part in a floorball match this Nov 25 :)
I can't think of any :) Hehe .
Hot Nesh ! . I love his dressing sense . He rocks . OMG !Daryl and I . We met to discuss something important and ended up spending the day well . A good day well spent - I should admit .
Such a beautiful candid shot ! Pravin , me , Karpagam and VickyThat's my lovely puppy and that's the adorable baby beside her .
Oh man ! I miss this patti big time . Dearest Rain-U and Jasmine . Haha . Silas had a weird encounter with Jasmine and the next second , we became friends . Funny world .
You got coloured @
4:10 pm